Saada 10% sooduskood (WELCOME10) oma esimesele tellimusele.

Natural Plant

Based Capsules

Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose (HPMC) capsules are a plant-based alternative to traditional gelatin capsules. Formulated without animal-derived ingredients, our capsules are ideal for vegetarians, vegans, and individuals with dietary restrictions, making them suitable for a wider and more diverse audience

Gluten-free icon for Swissovit, promoting products suitable for individuals with gluten sensitivities.


Lactose-free icon for Swissovit, ensuring suitability for lactose-sensitive individuals.


No preservatives icon for Swissovit, symbolizing natural, clean health supplements.



luude ja lihaste tugevdamise võimendaja
Close-up of Swissovit Probiotics box with focus on probiotics' benefits for gut health and immune function.


  • This product can be suitable for people exposed to stress, anxiety and psychological tension.
  • Probiotics promote GUT HEALTH BY HARMONIZING innate gut bacteria.
  • By promoting gut health, probiotics ENHANCE IMMUNE FUNCTION and reduce inflammation.

Millised on probiootilised tüved ja nende erinevus?

As with plants, probiotic bacteria are classified according to their family, genus, and species.
Even when two probiotics share the same species, the genetic diversity among distinct strains can be as pronounced as the contrast between a human and a plant. Due to these distinctions, each probiotic strain executes distinct biological functions in the gut, thus providing varied health advantages. Much like medications, probiotics don't exert uniform effects.

Toote üksikasjad

What should you avoid taking probiotics with?

Make sure you don’t take your probiotics with acid foods or drinks.
Highly acid foods can damage the delicate bacteria of your probiotics.

Suggested use

The BEST TIME to consume probiotics is 40 minutes before dinner and take probiotics for at least 2 months, or as recommended by your health-care practitioner or nutritionist.

Supplement facts

Serving Size - 1 Capsule
Serving Per Container - 30

Active Ingredients
Lactobacillus helveticus
per 1 capsule 5 × 109 CFU* /85,00 mg

Bifidobacterium longum
per 1 capsule 5 × 109 CFU* / 42,50 mg

Lactobacillus plantarum
per 1 capsule 5 × 109 CFU* / 21,25 mg

Lactobacillus casei
per 1 capsule 5 × 109 CFU* / 14,17 mg

*CFU - Colony Forming


If you are pregnant, nursing, taking any medications or have any medical condition, please consult your healthcare practitioner before taking any dietary supplement. Discontinue use and consult your healthcare practitioner if any adverse reactions occur. Keep out of reach of children. Store at room temperature. Do not use if the packaging is damaged.

The dosage of the product is selected individually with a doctor or nutritionist.

Šveitsi kvaliteedistandard

Iga kapsel läbib range kvaliteedikontrolli, et tagada selle tõhusus ja ohutus. Originaal Šveitsi kvaliteedisüsteemi järelevalve all toodetud Šveitsi originaal.

Teaduspõhised valemid, vastutustundlikult hangitud koostisained, kunstlike koostisosade või täiteainete vältimine, pakendatud väikeses partiis, majasiseselt toodetud kõrgeimad kvaliteedistandardid: USP vee filtreerimine, HEPA õhu filtreerimine.

Swiss'Ovit'i vitamiinide kasutamine on investeering teie tervisesse ja heaolusse. Meie tooted on loodud teie elujõudu ja energiat silmas pidades, aidates teil end paremini ja aktiivsemalt tunda
