Saada 10% sooduskood (WELCOME10) oma esimesele tellimusele.

Natural Plant

Based Capsules

Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose (HPMC) capsules are a plant-based alternative to traditional gelatin capsules. Formulated without animal-derived ingredients, our capsules are ideal for vegetarians, vegans, and individuals with dietary restrictions, making them suitable for a wider and more diverse audience

Gluten-free icon for Swissovit, promoting products suitable for individuals with gluten sensitivities.


Lactose-free icon for Swissovit, ensuring suitability for lactose-sensitive individuals.


No preservatives icon for Swissovit, symbolizing natural, clean health supplements.



luude ja lihaste tugevdamise võimendaja

B-vitamiinide kasu tervisele

  • Support normal energy-yielding metabolism (B2, B3, B5, B6, B7)
  • Aid iron metabolism (B2)
  • Support steroid hormone and vitamin D synthesis (B5)
  • Contribute to normal blood formation (B2, B6, B9)
  • Play a role in cell division and maternal tissue growth during pregnancy (B9)
  • Support the nervous system (B2, B3, B6, B7)
  • Help reduce tiredness and fatigue (B2, B3, B5, B6, B7)
  • Maintain healthy skin, mucous membranes, and hair (B2, B3, B7)
  • Contribute to the regulation of hormonal activity (B6)

Miks on meie B-kompleksi valem parem?

Our expert-developed B-complex formula maximizes the benefits of each included vitamin. It intentionally excludes certain B vitamins that could disrupt the formula's effectiveness.
This B-complex supplement supports:

  • Energy metabolism
  • Stress relief
  • Memory support
  • Hair, skin, and nail health

Toote üksikasjad


Vitamin B-Complex - take 1 capsule daily with a meal, or as recommended by your health-care practitioner or nutritionist.


Serving Size - 1 Capsule
Serving Per Container - 30

Active Ingredients:
Niacin / Vitamin B3
Amount Per Serving 28,8 mg
% Daily Value* 180%
Pantothenic acid / Vitamin B5
Amount Per Serving 10,0 mg
% Daily Value* 167%
Vitamin B6
Amount Per Serving 2,6 mg
% Daily Value* 186%
Riboflavin / Vitamin B2
Amount Per Serving 2,4 mg
% Daily Value* 171%
Folic acid/ Vitamin B9
Amount Per Serving 400 μg
% Daily Value* 200%
Biotin / Vitamin B7
Amount Per Serving 150 μg
% Daily Value* 300%

*Daily Value - the recommended amounts of nutrients to consume or not to exceed each day


If you are pregnant, nursing, taking any medications or have any medical condition, please consult your healthcare practitioner before taking any dietary supplement. Discontinue use and consult your healthcare practitioner if any adverse reactions occur. Keep out of reach of children. Store at room temperature. Do not use if the packaging is damaged.

The dosage of the product is selected individually with a doctor or nutritionist.


*per 100 gram of product

Vitamin B2

  • Almonds - 1.1 mg
  • Beef - 0.9 mg
  • Tofu - 0.4 mg

Vitamin B3

  • Tuna - 22.1 mg
  • Beef liver - 17.3 mg
  • Lean chicken breast - 9.5 mg

Vitamin B5

  • Sunflower seeds - 7 mg
  • Shiitake mushrooms - 3.6 mg
  • Salmon - 1.9 mg

Vitamin B6

  • Salmon - 0.9 mg
  • Lean chicken breast - 0.9 mg
  • Bananas - 0.4 mg

Vitamin B7

  • Chicken liver - 1.9 mg
  • Mustard powder 1.6 mg
  • Basil (ground, dried) - 0.6 mg

Vitamin B9

  • Edamame (green soybeans) - 0.3 mg
  • Lentils - 0.18 mg
  • Asparagus - 0.15 mg

Šveitsi kvaliteedistandard

Iga kapsel läbib range kvaliteedikontrolli, et tagada selle tõhusus ja ohutus. Originaal Šveitsi kvaliteedisüsteemi järelevalve all toodetud Šveitsi originaal.

Teaduspõhised valemid, vastutustundlikult hangitud koostisained, kunstlike koostisosade või täiteainete vältimine, pakendatud väikeses partiis, majasiseselt toodetud kõrgeimad kvaliteedistandardid: USP vee filtreerimine, HEPA õhu filtreerimine.

Swiss'Ovit'i vitamiinide kasutamine on investeering teie tervisesse ja heaolusse. Meie tooted on loodud teie elujõudu ja energiat silmas pidades, aidates teil end paremini ja aktiivsemalt tunda
