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Dabīgais augs

Pamatojoties uz kapsulas

Hidroksipropilmetilcelulozes (HPMC) kapsulas ir augu izcelsmes alternatīva tradicionālajām želatīna kapsulām. Mūsu kapsulas, kuru sastāvā nav dzīvnieku izcelsmes sastāvdaļu, ir ideāli piemērotas veģetāriešiem, vegāniem un cilvēkiem ar diētas ierobežojumiem, padarot tās piemērotas plašākai un daudzveidīgākai auditorijai.

Gluten-free icon for Swissovit, promoting products suitable for individuals with gluten sensitivities.


Lactose-free icon for Swissovit, ensuring suitability for lactose-sensitive individuals.


No preservatives icon for Swissovit, symbolizing natural, clean health supplements.



kaulu un muskuļu stiprināšanas līdzeklis

Ko dara C vitamīns?

Stimulē kolagēna sintēzi
- Tam ir nozīme smadzeņu darbības uzlabošanā
- stiprina imūnsistēmu
- veicina labāku dzelzs uzsūkšanos 
- Var veicināt vēža ārstēšanu

Kāpēc devas atšķiras?

  • Bieži lietotās devas: 500-1000 mg dienā
  • Augstākas devas: Mērķis ir ātri palielināt asins vitamīna C līmeni.
  • Zemākas devas: Palīdz uzturēt adekvātu

Informācija par produktu


Vitamin C - take 1-2 capsules daily, or as recommended by your health-care practitioner or nutritionist.


Serving Size - 1 Capsule
Serving Per Container - 30

Active Ingredients:
VITAMIN C (ascorbic acid)
Amount Per Serving 500 mg
% Daily Value* 556%

*Daily Value - the recommended amounts of nutrients to consume or not to exceed each day


If you are pregnant, nursing, taking any medications or have any medical condition, please consult your healthcare practitioner before taking any dietary supplement. Discontinue use and consult your healthcare practitioner if any adverse reactions occur. Keep out of reach of children. Store at room temperature. Do not use if the packaging is damaged.

The dosage of the product is selected individually with a doctor or nutritionist.


*per 100 gram of product

  • Guava 228 mg
  • Bell pepper 128 mg
  • Kiwi 93 mg
  • Broccoli 89 mg
  • Papaya 61 mg
  • Green peas 60 mg
  • Strawberry 59 mg
  • Orange 53 mg
  • Tomato 23 mg
  • Kale 18 mg

Šveices kvalitātes standarts

Each capsule undergoes rigorous quality control to ensure its effectiveness and safety. Original Swiss made produced under the supervision of Swiss Quality system.

Science-Based Formulas, Responsibly Sourced Ingredients, Avoiding the Use of Artificial Ingredients or Fillers, Packed in a Small Batch, In-House Manufacturing Highest Quality Standards: USP Water Filtration, HEPA Air Filtration.

Using Swiss'Ovit vitamins is an investment in your health and well-being. Our products are designed with your vitality and energy in mind, helping you feel better and more active